Thursday, February 7, 2013

A few new photos

We stopped by the house yesterday and got a few new pictures. We also walked through our neighbors houses. I feel like we shouldn't have because I hope no one walks through ours, but I REALLY wanted to see what the other model house looked like since we never saw it. AND BOY AM I GLAD WE GOT A MOZART! The Beethoven is just god awful small, even for a townhouse! Anyway, here's a few pictures.


  1. I totally would have walked through my neighbors' if I had the opportunity! We walked through one near us right when we bought to get an idea of what options we wanted to add structurally. It's fun! Glad you are happy with your choice!

    1. Okay good! I don't feel so bad! I'm not the only one!

  2. I hear you about the Beethoven. That was our other option when we first started looking at the RH townhomes, it was an immediate delivery and super discounted since it was already built, but the feeling of it was just apartment-like and something in my gut told me it wasn't a good idea.

    1. We originally had the Florence in mind. Our SR told us he really thought it would be too much house for my boyfriend and I. We aren't married yet and kids are no where in the immediate future so he persuaded us on the mozart. We looked at theStrauss but we were concerned it would take up all our yard(which it would have). I'm so happy with our choice. The mozart is just perfect!

  3. Hi Cindy, I looked every chance I got!! Lol it gave me great ideas and a different perspective on how to build the same home and what to ask for mine because at the end if the day only RH owns the home until the keys are in hand. Happy Looking!!

    1. It's good to know this is common! I'm also much more satisfied seeing some selection so almost went with. I'm so happy with how our house has turned out!
